Quezon Magic Mushrooms


The city of Quezon, Philippines, is the original home of the strain of Quezon Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis, Quezon).

The geographic location of the Philippines makes it an ideal place for wild mushrooms to grow.

The warm and humid climate is ideal for mushrooms to begin fruiting after a tropical rainfall. Expect average to above-average potency.

The Quezon mushrooms, known for their classic appearance, are often referred to as “little brown mushrooms”.

The mushroom’s caps are small to medium in size, mostly opened, and its stems are very thin and frail, making it easier to ingest than some of the larger, dense mushrooms we offer.

The color is classically golden brown. The stems sometimes appear pale and colorless. 

Buy the best Quezon Shrooms.

Buy More, Save More:

  • 1 gram = $10
  • 3.5 grams = $31
  • 7 grams = $55
  • 14 grams = $89
  • 28 grams = $149
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